Rogues Gallery

It’s widely acknowledged that the UK tries to insert British nationals into strategic positions within the UN. The Government even employs staff to “facilitate appropriate British representation at senior levels”. This raises questions; these jobs are supposed to go to independent international civil servants who must serve without national allegiance. In this context it’s hard to see how any British “representation” could be “appropriate”.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council the UK holds significant sway over the Secretary-General, who is in charge of recruitment for many of the most powerful UN roles. This influence has enabled the UK to monopolise top jobs such as Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC)/OCHA which has seen a succession of 5 consecutive Brits in the role. It gets worse. The Government also regularly appears to use international job vacancies to offload failed domestic politicians or hand jobs out to political allies irrespective of their suitability for the role in question. Such conduct impoverishes the UN’s effectiveness, discounts a vast swathe of global talent, and damages the UN’s credibility.  

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